
We enjoy meeting at the Chapel to worship God and learn more about him from the Bible. We would love for you to share the joy of knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour. See our Meetings page for information on our regular services. You would be most welcome to attend any of our activities. Guy Davies has been our minister since November 2003. Our churches are Evangelical and Reformed, holding that salvation is through grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. 
You will also find information here about Ebenezer Baptist Church, West Lavington, a neighbouring willage work we are seeking to support.

For more information about our meetings, please scroll down the page.

Countdown to Easter

In the lead up to Easter, Countdown events provide an opportunity for families to enjoy themed-crafts, songs and the Easter story followed by tea. This year it's being held at Providence on Sunday 6th April from 4-5.30pm. All are welcome and it's free.

Providence & Ebenezer worship services
Providence Sunday Services
Our Sunday services are at 10.30am and 6pm. 
Bright Sparks toddler group (Mondays at 10am) and One Way Club (Fridays at 6pm) for primary school children in term time
Ebenezer Baptist Church (where Guy preaches once a month)
Every Sunday at 4.30pm
7.30pm - Joint Prayer meeting/Bible studies are currently being held in homes. For more details, contact us using the email at the bottom of the page.
In both churches, you can be sure of a warm welcome. They both belong to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and both belong to the Grace group of churches too. This means that there are lots of opportunities for fellowship and friendship with other Christians in the area. Guy Davies regularly preaches in both churches and is supported by preachers from our own and other local churches.

Topical Interviews on creation, anxiety and facing death

You Could Have It All: An interview with Geoff Thomas

A staple of New Year’s Eve TV programmess is Jools Holland’s ‘Hootenanny’, a show packed with music and chat to take us into a New Year. Often Jools will ask his guests for the New Year predictions. They usually say something optimistic like, ‘It’s going to be the best year ever’. 2020 didn’t quite work out like that. Who knows what 2021 has in store for us? It needn’t be a let down. Author Geoff Thomas has written a book promising, You Could Have It All. Sounds to good to be true? Our pastor Guy Davies will be asking Geoff exactly what he means by that in an online interview on Sunday 3 January 2021 at 6.00pm. You will find the interview livestreamed on our Facebook page.

Faith and Science: Harmony or Conflict? - an interview with Professor Stuart Burgess

Stuart Burgess is professor of Engineering Design at Bristol University. Pastor Guy Davies interviewed Stuart to ask him this question and many others besides. Stuart seeks to show that God's handiwork is clearly seen in creation and that faith and science are perfectly compatible. Click here to watch the video

Anxiety - A Mirror of the Heart, an interview with Catherine Haddow

'As a result of the pandemic and lockdowns, many people are feeling anxious and fearful. Pastor Guy Davies conducted an online interview with Chartered Psychologist Catherine Haddow. The focus of the conversation was ‘Anxiety: A Mirror of the Heart’. In her books ‘Emotions: Mirrors of the Heart’ and ‘Jars of Clay’ Catherine has sought to show how faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can help to calm our anxious souls and give us peace. Click here to watch the video.

'Facing fear, finding hope' - an interview with Jeremy Marshall

Jeremy Marshall was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2013. He was 49 years old, happily married with three children. After undergoing surgery and a course of radiotherapy, Jeremy was declared cancer-free. But three years later he was diagnosed with cancer again, this time in a different form and was told it was incurable.

Jeremy wrote a book called "Beyond the Big C" which chronicles Jeremy’s extraordinary relationship with cancer and, more than anything, his extraordinary relationship with the person who promises life beyond the prognosis. The essence of Jeremy’s story is that despite the sickness and disease present in the world, a life lived in light of Christ’s death on the cross means there is hope for the future no matter what.

Jeremy Marshall is the former CEO of the UK’s oldest private bank, C. Hoare & Co. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2016. In this interview, Pastor Guy Davies talks to Jeremy about his faith in the face of death. Click here to watch the video. Jeremy went to be with the Lord in 2023.

          Good news for our world for                         everyone in every situation

In the gospel (which literally means Good News) according to John, chapter 3 and verse 16, John writes "For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
But what does that mean?
We learn about God from the Bible. He is a God of sovereign purpose, boundless love, awesome power and spotless purity. The one true and living God eternally exists in three glorious Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Human beings are made in the image of God. This is what makes us so special. But sin has ruined our relationship with God. If we are honest, we all have to admit that we are sinners. Deep down we long for a relationship with God. We are made for him and nothing less than knowing God can satisfy the human heart.
God so loved the world that he sent his only Son, Jesus, into the world to deal with the problem of sin. Jesus came as man in order to die on the cross that we might be put right with God. But he did not stay dead. God raised him from the grave and exalted him to heaven.
We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. He is alive today and is able to save all who trust in him. In Jesus Christ, God offers us a relationship with himself that is real and satisfying. One day we will all have to give an account to God for the way we have lived our lives. Jesus died in the place of sinners so that we might not perish, but have eternal life. For our eternal future to be certain, it is essential to put things right with God now by trusting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
If you would like to know more, contact Guy using the contact details at the bottom of this page...or leave a message on our Facebook page.

A different perspective on the chapel!

This video was taken using a drone by one of the chapel's neighbours and he kindly allowed us to put in on the website.

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